After a long conversation with a female gamer friend who described how her and her boyfriend play Oblivion so differently I came to realize A) what a great game oblivion is and 2) what unique style of gamers are out there.
I'll call her R and him J for the sake of the story, R likes to accomplish goals, do quests and get titles. Meanwhile J likes to raid all the dungeons, level up and get the best armor and equipments. She is very happy with being a warlock and he feels like she isn't going anywhere in the game, two different styles and both are enjoying the game provided with different results. This is common within most of the sandbox or openworld Rpg's and almost ALL MMorpg's out there. Sort of like the "something for everyone" type of game. That's the best way I can describe Bethesda's work, very non-linear and alot of room for creativity.
Are you the storydriven type, do you prefer or demand a certain immersion in a game? Or are you the "save the fluff" gimme the UBER LOOT and then check out my gear? The "Are you not amazed by me!!!!", type of player.
Me, I am a hybrid of both I guess. I need some type of story to keep me interested but I have no problem getting down to the grinding business and can run a dungeon numerous time until I get what I want. Then, ok I have gotten what I need and now let's get back to the pace of the game. As for Oblivion, Bethesda made a tremendous series with the elder scrolls going back to morrowind. I hope they keep it going in the future and I know if they do I will be there with bells on. I keep hearing rumors of an Elswhere sequel but nothing concrete yet, but why would they when they are riding the fallout train all the way to epicsville. Who knows what they have planned in the future, they have a great formula that seems to cater to any type of gamer and that important to the community.
How would you describe yourself as a gamer?
Play safe,
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