The envelope please...
1) Darkstar One
Space simulation meets rogue space trader in this game published by German Ascaron ent. Only $5 at best buy, not available in store's though you will have to order it through the wharehouse. One player without any Multiplayer aspects to it. It is good practice if you are getting ready for the two upcoming Space-Opera MMO's Dark Prophecy and Jumpgate Evolution.
2) Is another throwback from the Diablo-esque, point and click, action-adventure Rpg's is Titan Quest. Yes I know I've seen it on shelves, I even held it in my hand but today I picked it up for only $5 at Best Buy Wharehouse. only $3.00 in shipping brought the game up to $8.00. Now this was after I played the demo for a few hours, which I suggest. Download Demo HERE. I played it for a few hours and was contemplating it until I found it for 5, then I pulled the trigger. It's worth 5, but I am going to hold off on the expansion: Titan Quest:Immortal Throne. I am going to beat up the regular model for a bit, I also found a Vault page for it; Doesn't look like its' for mods though, just information.
I also found a hidden gem in my cd case Age of Mythology, it was highly rated at IGN as a 9.3. Now I don't look at IGN as the internet rating gurus, but you can see at it's review page that it didn't get shabby reviews from the other sites. I got this one month's ago on a sale rack in officemax for $10 along with the original rise of nations. Yes, it is an RTS but RTS is a small niche market and it seems if you wait long enough you might find a hidden gem. Thats a strategy in itself, gaming isn't a cheap hobby.
Which brings me to my next wishlist, it's got one game and one game only. It's also a hybrid of RTS and Action/RPG.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Demigod. Published by Stardock Games, the same people who brought you the award-winning Space Rpg Sins of a Solar Empire, bring you this hybrid fantasy model Demigod.
There's also a video review from Machinima that I found to be very honest. Most of the ratings sites gave it poor reviews and that's mainly due to the problems they had with the multiplayer online functions. It seems that Gamestop released the game ahead of schedule that caused a major snafu for stardock mainly because it is very much a player vs. player online game. It has a small single player skirmish mode and not much of a tutorial to choose from but I feel it is going to be the PvP sleeper hit of 2009.
They all sing the same song as online connectivity problems, however for only a $40 download and free online capability it's a bargain to me. If the company has solved it's IT problems and this game has the right amount of Addictability then you have a good, cheap offset to the other pay to play or the redoncoulous amount of free to play mmo's out there that really aren't free. Now don't get my started on another Runes of Magic bashing session, I'm in a good mood on a sunday night.
Play safe,
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